Thursday, September 6, 2018

"Not Me": Mailroom Clerk Denies Being Author of NYT Editorial

The White House's frantic search for the "high ranking Administration" official who authored a blistering anonymous attack on President Donald Trump published in the New York Times has apparently eliminated White House aides and Secretarial appointments and descended on Lloyd Hawkins, known as "Hawk" to his colleagues, a GS-05 mailroom technician at the Department of Labor.  Hawkins expressed surprise at being stopped in the hallway by Secret Service agents to answer questions about the damning editorial.  Hawkins denied being the author of the editorial.  "Heck, to write that I'd have to use one of those stupid machines," pointing at a nearby computer.  "They gave up trying to train me on those things, so the guys here just write everything out for me."  A colleague nodded wearily in confirmation.  Asked if he considered himself to be "high ranking," Hawkins pointed with pride at his 20-year pin.  "Yes sir, just 10 more years until I'm out of here."  Hawkins claims not to bear any hostility to President Trump or the administration, "To tell you the truth, I thought that Obama fella was still president.  I guess I should read the paper more."