Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Trumps Discover the Working Class

February 20, 2021

Eric:  Mr. Weinberg, we want to thank you for agreeing to speak at the CPAC convention.  When we saw your article ‘The Class Roots of the January 6 Events,’ we knew right away that you are our kind of people.
Weinberg: Thank you.  Actually, I am just thrilled that anyone even read it.
Donald Jr.:  Yes sir, it’s refreshing to see how we are not the only ones who recognize that the working class has been ignored in this country for too long.
Eric:  And not only that, but we also thought if we could add some more speakers who, like yourself, are … um … how should I put this, of the Hebrew persuasion.
Weinberg:  Hebrew?  Sorry, guys, I don’t know a word of Hebrew, just a few Yiddish words that I picked up from my father’s Lenny Bruce albums.
[Trumps look at each other in befuddlement]
Donald Jr.:  Okay.  The thing is, we just need a clear message in support of the working class.
Weinberg:  So what part of my article did you like best?  I’d just like to know what I should emphasize in my talk.
Eric:  Well, basically, you know, how the elite has ignored the working class, so sometimes the workers need to take action on their own.
Weinberg:  Amen to that.  But should I talk about how their real enemies are the bankers on Wall Street or on how workers should occupy vacant housing?
Donald Jr.:  [Nervously] Um, no actually, it would help if you talk about how Donald Trump is the real friend of the working class.
Weinberg:  Donald Trump?!  I wrote about how the lumpenproletariat has rallied around this false idol and how the conscious working class need to focus its energies on its real needs, like the confiscation of unearned wealth, the nationalization of the health care industry, and ... Wait a second -- Just what does CPAC stand for?  I thought it was Communist Party - Atlantic Coast.
Eric:  Whoa, I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Weinberg, but I just got a text saying the conference has been cancelled.  So, well, goodbye.
[Phone goes dead]
Donald Jr.:  Eric ….
Eric:  Don’t say it.  I know.  I should have read the article first.
Donald Jr.:  You’re damn right you should have read the article.  Do you realize what a disaster that would have been?
Eric:  But it was behind a pay wall.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Trump Looks For A Lawyer

Palm Beach -- ???
February 2, 2021
Call Center Rep:  “Lawyer Line, what is your legal problem?”
Melania:  Are you the lawyer people?
Call Center Rep:  Yes, ma’am.  That’s us.  So what is your legal problem?
Melania:  One minute, please.  [Offline]  Donald, it’s them.
Trump:  [Offline] Shhh – I told you – no real names.  [Takes receiver] Thank you, um, Miss Jones.  Hello, is this Hank Miller?
Call Center Rep: Good morning, sir, and who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?
Trump:  Um, John, John Barron.  Are you Hank Miller?
Call Center Rep: No, sir.
Trump:  Look.  I got the number from a billboard with a big picture of Hank Miller that said to call him if I need a lawyer fast, and boy, do I ever need a lawyer fast.  I have a trial this week and my lawyers dumped me.  Can you believe that?
Call Center Rep: Wow, it sounds like you called the right number.  Now, Mr. Barron, can you tell me a little bit about your situation?  Are you in jail now?
Trump:  Jail? No!  Listen, I need to speak with Hank Miller, so just get him on the phone.  Or I could drive over there if that would be more convenient.
Call Center Rep: Well, if you could just tell me your problem I will be sure to match with the perfect attorney.
Trump:  Hey, the sign said call “me” so I want to speak with Hank Miller.  What’s your name?
Call Center Rep: Um, you can call me Dave.
Trump:  Dave?  That’s a pretty funny accent you have for a “Dave”?
Call Center Rep: Yes, sir.  Now – again – if you could tell me about your problem.
Trump:  Well, this is a little embarrassing, but I have been impeached.
Call Center Rep: I’m sorry, can you spell that?
Trump:  Spell that?  Hey, what kind of a law firm is this?
Call Center Rep: You see, sir, most of our calls are for drunk driving, public intoxication, or violating a restraining order, so if you could just spell … how did you say that?
Trump:  I-M-P-E-A-C-H-M-E-N-T
Call Center Rep: And what city do you live in?
Trump:  Palm Springs, Florida.  Wait a minute!  Where are you?
Call Center Rep: I am sorry that I am unable to give you that information.  But I am looking, Mr. Barron, and I am afraid I do not see any attorneys in your area that handle, um, um, this problem.
Trump:  But the sign said any legal problem. 
Call Center Rep: [Sees supervisor signalling to speed up call] Thank you for calling the Lawyer Line, sir.  Please call us back if you get arrested for drunk driving.  And good luck with your imbea…, impar…,  good luck, sir.
[Hangs up phone]
Trump:  Hey, hey!  That little !@#$% hung up on me!
Melania:  That’s the fifth one and I’m late for my massage.  What now?
Trump:  Just dial the next one.  Meanwhile I'll see if Eric found any more numbers.