Monday, January 14, 2019

Trumps Planning Revival of 'Doomsday Preppers'

The reality show market got a shot in the arm recently with the news that the Trump Group intends to revive the famed NatGeo series “Doomsday Preppers.”  “Preppers,” which ran for 3 seasons, featured a different family of freaks, paranoids, or vagabonds every week, who detailed their elaborate plans for surviving and thriving in a post-apocalyptic world.  Some stockpiled prodigious amounts of bio-materials they claimed to be edible, while others amassed enough weapons to fight off a small army, but they all shared a belief that it was a matter of when, not if, we all will live a Mad Max-type existence.

Fortunately, presidential sons Donald (Jr.) and Eric Trump sat down with us at Entertainment Tonight to discuss their plans.

ET:  Gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to discuss this exciting project.  This is quite a departure from the Trump Group’s exclusive focus on luxury developments.  Why this shift, and why revive “Doomsday Preppers” now?
Donald:  It’s our pleasure to be here.  I hope I don’t get my father into any trouble, because he’s not supposed to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the company, but the inspiration came from him.  For some reason [chuckles] he just goes on and on any more about how “it’s all going to be over soon, so we need to start planning.”
ET:  That’s amazing to hear.  Most of the people featured in the original series were already clinging to the fringes of society.  It was understandable to think that they might be contemplating a world of turmoil and chaos.  What does your father see as so threatening?
Eric:  Mueller.
Donald:  Military contingencies! I’m sure Eric meant to say, all the potential military scenarios that my father has become aware of as president, any one of which could threaten civilization as we know it.
ET:  Okay, military contingencies, I can see how that would be disturbing, but most of original “Preppers” barely had two nickels to their name, which might explain why none could afford to live within hundreds of miles of an urban settlement.  Doesn’t your father have sufficient resources to navigate any crisis?
Donald:  Of course, my father is a brilliant businessman who has built a billion dollar empire on his own.  It’s just that not all our assets are … um …
Eric:  Legal
Donald:  Liquid!  Again, I think Eric misspoke, and intended to say that not all our resources are liquid.  So, in the event of a crisis, it might take some time to put together the money to, say, charter a private plane.
ET:  Clearly, the Trumps are in a different economic world from the original “Preppers.”  Can we expect more stories on eating rodents or building a home from cardboard?
Donald:  No, we will have a new dimension.  I think you can expect more material on hiring attorneys, acquiring foreign passports, and adjusting to life in a Gulf emirate.
Eric:  And don’t forget [Donald Jr. puts his hands over Eric’s mouth}
Donald:  I get the feeling that Eric was getting ready to “misspeak” again, so keep an eye out for “Doomsday Preppers:  the White House Chronicles.” 
ET:  When can we look forward to the first episodes?
Donald: [Still struggling to stifle his brother]  Actually, the timing doesn’t really depend on us.

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