Thursday, April 20, 2017

Volleyball Diplomacy

In a hallway around the corner from the Oval Office

Aide 1:  Hey, have you seen Mrs. Kushner?
Aide 2:  No, I'm not sure where she is.  Why?
Aide 1:  I was hoping she could talk to her father.
Aide 2:  Sounds important.  What's going on?
Aide 1:  I'll tell you what's going on.  He heard about that story in the Post that said how our satellite imagery seems to show the North Koreans playing volleyball at the nuclear test site.  So now he wants to send the US volleyball team to North Korea and challenge them to a match, teach them a lesson.
Aide 2:  What?  Come on.  Maybe he was kidding.  Don't you think he knows that ...
Aide 1:  ... that the US volleyball team isn't a government body?  That he can't order them into a hostile zone like they're military?  No, he doesn't know that.  He even said he wants the name of any players who are afraid to go so he can make sure they never play for the national team again.
Aide 2:  This is bad.  So what are you going to do?
Aide 1:  I was hoping that Ivanka, I mean, Mrs. Kushner, could explain it to him.  Unless you'd like to have stab at it.
Aide 2:  That's okay.  But we need to find her quick.
Aide 1:  You're telling me.  How long do think it will be before he notices this is gone?
Aide 2:  Oh my God!  Is that his phone?  How did you get that?
Aide 1:  I slipped it off the corner of his desk.  I had to think quick.  Do want him tweeting "I just ordered the US volleyball team to North Korea"? 
Aide 2:  That would be pretty bad.
(Shouting from the distance):  Hey, where's my phone?
Aide 1:  Gotta go.  I'll tell him I mistook it, or something.  Just find Ivanka, now!

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